Sekinchan Beach Cleanup Volunteering Program


On 25th June 2022, China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia (CECCM) organised a beach cleanup program at Pantai Redang, Sekinchan with a team...

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President of CECCM Sarawak Working Committee, Chai Jie pay courtesy visit to the Sibu Municipal Council Chairman, Clarence Ting Ing Horh


Recently, President of CECCM Sarawak Working Committee, Chai Jie pay courtesy visit to Sibu Munipal Council Chairman, Clarence Ting Ing Horh.  Preside...

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Happy Dragon Boat Fetsival


粽叶飘香五月五,温情端午共安康。 马来西亚中资企业总商会祝大家 端午节快乐! CECCM wishes everyone a Happy Dragon Boat Festival. CECCM mengucapkan Selamat Perayaan Duan Wu kepada semua yan...

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Happy 48th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China.

中马建交 48th anniversary 20220531

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2022中国(广西)海外招商大会 | China (Guangxi) Overseas Investment Attraction and Cooperation Conference


Free Trade Connects the World, Cooperation Heralds A Better Future On May 27, 2022, the China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia (CECCM) was...

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Happy Wesak Day

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值此卫塞节,   马来西亚中资企业总商会 祝愿大家心境祥和, 平安度过每一天。   祝各位佛教徒们卫塞节快乐!   CECCM wishes all Buddhist Happy Wesak Day. May peace and tranquility be by y...

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CECCM visits Nanyang Siang Pau

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On 10th May 2022, President of China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia (CECCM), Zhang Min led a delegation from CECCM to visit Nanyang Siang...

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Happy Mother’s Day

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岁月有痕,母爱无垠。 愿岁月温柔待您, 爱您不止三千遍。 马来西亚中资企业总商会 祝全天下伟大的妈妈们 母亲节快乐! CECCM wishes all the lovely mom in the world a Happy Mother’s Day! CECCM mengucapkan Selama...

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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

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值此开斋佳节, 马来西亚中资企业总商会 祝福所有穆斯林朋友们 开斋节快乐! CECCM mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aildifiltri kepada semua yang menyambut hari mulia ini. CECCM wishes Selamat...

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Happy Labour Day

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愿所有的劳动,均有回报。 所有的耕耘,皆有收获。 希望各位同仁都能拥有 美好的劳动假日。 马来西亚中资企业总商会祝大家 劳动节快乐! CECCM wishes everyone a Happy Labour Day! CECCM mengucapkan Selamat Hari Buruh kepa...

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