Every day the world shifts more towards new digital media and interactive experiences. With rapidly-evolving technologies, changing consumer preferences and oftentimes competing channels, many organizations struggle with how to transform internally to meet the challenges of this new, always connected digital world. We can help.
2025年2月14日,马来西亚中资企业总商会举办赈灾捐款仪式,向民都鲁灾难管理委员会(The Bintulu Disaster Management Committee (BDMC)) 捐赠10万令吉以支持民都鲁受灾地区的重建与恢复工作,帮助受灾居民渡过难关。此次活动不仅是一次深具意义的社会公益行动...
I like working at GLB because I get to sell the best software in the industry and I work with best / brightest / most fun team of people I’ve ever worked with.
We selected GLB because they understand operating requirements in the healthcare sector. They bring a winning combination of experience and commitment to excellence.
We has been working with GLB for 12 months and in that time they have demonstrated an unwavering desire and capability to deliver.