2025年2月14日,马来西亚中资企业总商会举办赈灾捐款仪式,向民都鲁灾难管理委员会(The Bintulu Disas...
As customer behaviors and demographics change, your approach to engaging them has to follow their journey. With equal parts vision and technology, we can help advance your customer experience to reflect a more human-centric encounter and enable your operations to move toward outcome-based commercials.
2025年2月14日,马来西亚中资企业总商会举办赈灾捐款仪式,向民都鲁灾难管理委员会(The Bintulu Disas...
2025 年 1 月 5 日良品铺子参加雪隆潮州会馆前日举行 2025 年施赠贫老、残疾或残障、单亲母亲同乡渡岁金颁发活动,共有 115 人受惠,包括 13 位来自双溪毛糯麻风院的潮籍人士,及 10 位潮州籍贯的盲人,受惠者获得 150 令吉红包及一袋良品铺子礼包。 雪隆潮...
马来西亚中资企业总商会祝大家新春快乐! 衷心感谢大家在过去一年里的辛勤付出和大力支持!更期待我们在新的一年里再接再厉,为中马经贸合作,谱写更加美好的未来! 新年伊始,祝大家金蛇狂舞迎新春,吉祥如意福满门! &nbs...
I like working at GLB because I get to sell the best software in the industry and I work with best / brightest / most fun team of people I’ve ever worked with.
We selected GLB because they understand operating requirements in the healthcare sector. They bring a winning combination of experience and commitment to excellence.
We has been working with GLB for 12 months and in that time they have demonstrated an unwavering desire and capability to deliver.