中企总商会用爱心传承希望@Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kesayangan Maha

中企总商会用爱心传承希望@Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kesayangan Maha


“Spread love today for a hopeful tomorrow”

马来西亚中资企业总商会于11月30日到访位于仁嘉隆的儿童院,Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kesayangan Maha 中心里共有16名孩童,从11个月大的小宝宝至10来岁的青少年不等。这是商会今年举办的第五场社会责任活动。

On 30th November 2020, China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia (CECCM) visited Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kesayangan Maha. There are 16 children in the orphanage, ranging from 11-month-old babies to 10-year-olds. This is the fifth charity drive organized by CECCM this year.

副会长田桦代表商会捐赠马币5千零吉现金以及捐赠超过马币6千物资(儿童口罩、日常用品、巧克力饮料、洗碗液等)给予 儿童院的院长 Ms Maha。

Treasurer of CECCM, Tian Hua (on the right) represented CECCM to donate RM 5,000 and other supplies (children masks, daily necessities, chocolate drinks, dishwashing liquid) worth RM 6,000 to person in charge of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kesayangan Maha, Ms Maha (on the left).


HQC Engineering donated disinfectant and other items worth RM 3000.

根据马新社的报道,2019年因未婚先孕的少女有1万8千人,平均每天有50人。在每10个弃婴中,7人被发现后都已经死亡了。正视 “弃婴” 问题,这不只是青少年的问题,也是父母的家庭问题,也是需要各社会阶级去探讨的社会问题。儿童无法选择出生,面对不能为自己负责任的父母,希望社会对他们的半点善良,让他们未来也可以活出自我人生。

According to a report by Bernama, there were 18,000 unmarried teenagers who became pregnant in 2019, an average of 50 a day. In every 10 abandoned babies, 7 have died after being found. This is indeed a social problem that needs to be look into by all social classes.