Strengthening Ties through Cultural Exchange: CECCM Hosts Batik Workshop

Strengthening Ties through Cultural Exchange: CECCM Hosts Batik Workshop

On May 11, 2024, the China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia (CECCM) celebrated the 50th anniversary of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations with a Batik workshop. The event aimed to foster member interaction, promote Malaysian culture, and strengthen bilateral ties.

Batik, a traditional Malaysian craft,  is known for its vibrant patterns created by applying wax to fabric before dyeing.  This centuries-old art form is a significant part of Malaysia’s cultural heritage.

Representatives from Chinese enterprises experienced it by engaging in hands-on activities to create unique pieces. Families also participated, with children enjoying the creative process.

The Batik artworks highlighted individual creativity and cultural significance. Participants proudly displayed their eco-friendly bags, capturing the moment with smiles and photos.

CECCM hopes this event will deepen the friendship between Chinese and Malaysians. By directly engaged with Malaysian culture , participants gained a greater appreciation of the bilateral ties. CECCM looks forward to more activities to enhance China-Malaysia cooperation.