CECCM Co-hosts Cybersecurity Symposium: Partnering with Chinese Enterprises to Safeguard Digital Transformation

CECCM Co-hosts Cybersecurity Symposium: Partnering with Chinese Enterprises to Safeguard Digital Transformation

On May 17, 2024, the China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia(CECCM) co-hosted a successful cybersecurity symposium at the SIME DARBY CONVENTION CENTRE with China Telecom, Huawei and other leading cybersecurity company . The event aimed to help members tackle rising cybersecurity challenges and promote the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises in Malaysia.

Mr Zang Wenbo, First Secretary of the Economic and Commercial Office at the China Embassy in Malaysia, emphasized the critical importance of cybersecurity for protecting core technologies and ensuring safe business operations. He called for increased attention to cybersecurity alongside production and asset safety.

Mr.Li Zhiqiang, General Manager of China Telecom (Malaysia), stressed the importance of robust cybersecurity systems in the digital era to ensure information safety and business stability.

Experts from China Telecom, Huawei and other prominent cybersecurity companies provided their valuable insights on cybersecurity trends and strategies, helping attendees understand the latest developments and applications in the field.

The high attendance at the event demonstrated the importance that members place on cybersecurity. CECCM remains committed to offering comprehensive channels for communication and cooperation, continually enhancing our services. We extend our sincere thanks to China Telecom, Huawei, and our co-organizers for facilitating this seminar, enabling us to collectively explore essential cybersecurity knowledge and ensure the growth and progress of Chinese enterprises in Malaysia.