


“Spread love today for a hopeful tomorrow”




This year has been a challenging year.
In the midst of pandemic, many of us are impacted in many ways.

During the first half of the year, China Enterprises Chamber of Commerce In Malaysia (CECCM) has united its members to participate in donations to help China and Malaysia to fight the pandemic.
In addition to donations of safety and disinfectant items, CECCM also pays attention to the vulnerable groups which are most severely affected by the pandemic.



During the end of November 2020, CECCM has organized five charity drives, including donations to institutions such as nursing homes, orphanages, mentally disabled centers, dialysis centers, etc. This is to gradually deepen mutual understanding and to further strengthen the mutual trust between Chinese-funded enterprises and local communities. This year’s theme is “Spread love today for a hopeful tomorrow”.


张敏会长在11月26日带领理事及会员单位前往位于十五碑总部进行探访。参与的单位包括:中国建筑、宜美集团、中国寰球、中国航空技术、中国化学十一建设、安吉尔水系统技术、MT International Trading,共为该协会筹集到马币1万3千的现金,总值马币1万5千的文具,以及其他防疫物资(成人口罩与儿童口罩和消毒液)。

On 26th November 2020, President of CECCM, Zhang Min led the comittees and members to visit the Selangor & Federal Territory Association For The Mentally Handicapped (SAMH). Participating members include: China State Construction Engineering, E-beauty Group, HQC Engineering, AVIC Engineering, CN ELECO Engineering, Angel Water System Technology and MT International Trading, which raised a total of RM 13,000 in cash for the association , stationery and other disinfectant items such as adult masks, children masks and etc, worth RM 15,000.



Vice President, Lv En represents China Construction to donate stationery worth RM 4,000.


E-beauty Group donated RM 3000.



CN ELECO Engineering donated stationaries worth RM 1500.


AVIC Engineering donated stationaries worth RM 2000.

MT International Trading 捐赠价值1千零吉的文具及日常用品。

MT International Trading donated stationeris and other items worth RM 1000.


HQC Engineering donated safety and disinfectant items worth RM3800.


CECCM represented Angel Water System Technology to donate stationeries worth RM 1000.



This center builds a friendly home for children with special needs.

It is a stage for these children to show themselves, making them stronger, braver and more independent. Datin Fauziah, President of SAMH , introduce the operation of the association. and express her gratitude to CECCM for caring for these special children. She also presented the children’s handmade works and gifted a finely crafted wooden stool to the CECCM as a souvenir.


She stated that due to the impact COVID-19 this year, the association has not received any donations, and CECCM is the first organization to donate to them.



雪兰莪及联邦直辖区智障协会成立于1964年,致力于为特别需要的孩子们提供教育与培训课程及就业机会。目前为止,在全马共开设3间中心,分别位于十五碑(Brickfields)、增江北区(Jinjang North) 和巴生(Klang),收留了超过300多位特殊儿童。

SAMH is established in 1964 to provide education and training courses and employment opportunities for children with special needs. Thus far, 3 centers have been operated across Malaysia which are located in Brickfields, Jinjang North and Klang, hosting more than 300 special children.