
While the retail landscape is changing, customers must remain front and center.

The pressure is on for retail organizations—expected to create curated omnichannel experiences for demanding customers while optimizing financial performance. We get it.

We Serve

Department Store

We help department stores maximize customer service and profits and meet changing demands amid increased competition.

Discount Stores

We help optimize merchandising, increase supply chain efficiencies, generate product mix forecasts for better retention.


We help optimize prices, fine tune inventory planning, and deploy next generation POS systems to enhance the customer experience.

Specialty Retailers

We help specialty retailers embrace the future of shopping by delivering concepts and solutions for in-store selling through


GLB’s Retail practice helps retailers turn today’s pain points into new business opportunities.


Rely on our experience to help you adopt the omnichannel capabilities that are right for your brand.

Our Thinking


中马合作与交流 商会活动 Selection (6)

2024年12月5日,马来西亚中资企业总商会在厦门大学马来西亚分校举办“庆祝中马建交50周年《中国企业在马来西亚经济发展中的作用》分析报告发布会暨数字经济与绿色发展经济论坛2024。 中国驻马来...

精彩回顾 | 2024总商会沙滩清理活动花絮

商会活动 22

蓝天白云下,清新的海风吹拂,马来西亚中资企业总商会的会员们齐聚黄金海岸,开展了一场“共护海洋,总商会领航”的沙滩清理活动!让我们通过这些花絮,共同回顾这一天的精彩时刻。 出发前准备:井然有序 ...


World’s Largest Online Marketplace

Our team re-engineered the Web site to make full use of next-generation solutions, including a J2EE-based architecture. The e-commerce application runs on IBM WebSphere and interacts with JDA for order management and fulfillment.