Software & Hi-Tech

Technology is only as good as the experience it enables.

Deliver exceptional end-to-end customer experiences while increasing the value of your products and services with process transformation from GLB. From leveraging analytic insights and unlocking operational improvements to solving complex service and support issues, we help leaders in technology drive adoption, increase loyalty, and deliver new sources of revenue.

We Serve

Online Companies

Solutions that help e-businesses develop, commercialize, monetize and evolve their digital operations.

Software Vendors

We specialize in designing, building, testing, refining and maintaining applications. We can also help you transition to the…

High-Tech Manufacturers

We help high-tech manufacturers take on complex, transformational business process and product engineering initiatives.


Application Services

A full range of services from application, testing and maintenance through deployment, upgrades and consulting.

Our Thinking

劳动节快乐|Happy Labor Day

商会活动 节日祝福 labour day

致敬每一位辛勤劳动的你们: 愿所有耕耘,都有收获。愿所有辛劳,均有回报。 辛苦了,大家! 马来西亚中资企业总商会祝大家劳动节快乐。 Saluting everyone on this ...

马来西亚中资企业总商会与柳州欧维姆机械股份有限公司 董事长一行交流座谈会

中马合作与交流 交流座谈会 商会活动 1712906459519

2024 年 4 月 12 日,马来西亚中资企业总商会与柳州欧维姆机械股份有限公司董事长黎睦汉一行在中交大厦举行交流座谈会。倪庆久会长及商会代表参加。 倪庆久总会长对欧维姆公司加入总商会表示欢迎...


Resolving Growing User Support Demands

For a global software provider, we supplied the people and skills to handle lower-priority application support requests among its roughly 7,000 end users around the world. Our client accomplished this by establishing an SLA guaranteed to resolve 90% of support issues within seven days, thanks to planning and reporting tool that helps IT service managers cross-train team members and generate reports.